InSession Film Podcast

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, the amazing smart and hilarious guys from the MGCTv Podcast join us as we review The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, the second film in the Hobbit (why do we need three?) trilogy. Going off that, we do one of our funnest Top 3's yet and discuss our Top 3 Movie Worlds that we would want to visit as well as discuss the latest nominations at the Golden Globes. And we top off the show with the films we've seen over the last week. Due to time contraints, we cut out our movie news segment, as well as some of our conversation of the Golden Globes, and we pasted it in the post-credits of the show. 

Direct download: Episode_43.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 1:28pm EST