InSession Film Podcast

Fair Warning: This podcast is a little lengtheir than our normal shows, but this being a special podcast and we had a ton of fun discussing the best and worst of 2013. But just as an FYI.

On this week's InSession Film Podcast, it's a very different show as we discuss the best and worst of movies in 2013 in our InSession Film Awards. Some of our awards are the familiar one's but a few of them are a little different and unique. We also have some individual awards that we gave away that was really fun. And to top off the show, we give our Top 10 Movies of 2013, which is one of the best segments we've ever done on our podcast. This was an amazing show as we covered a wide spectrum of film in 2013. How would your awards compare to ours?

If you'd like to skip ahead to our Top 10 Movies of 2013, jump to 1:43:20.

Direct download: Episode_46.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 6:28pm EST