InSession Film Podcast

This week on the InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, Michael from the War Machine vs. War Horse podcast joins us as we discuss The Rover, starring Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson, who may have finally gotten out his Twilight shell. We also discuss The Immigrant, starring Marion Cottilard and Joaquin Phoenix. This week's show is a lot of fun and we had some great conversation on these films.


Thanks for listening and be sure to subscribe to us on iTunes and Stitcher!

Direct download: Extra_Film_-_The_Rover_The_Immigrant.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 2:27pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, Brendan Cassidy co-hosts and Brandi Duran joins us as we review the latest film from Clint Eastwood, Jersey Boys. Going off of that, we do what felt impossible and we discussed our Top 3 Musical Numbers from movie musicals, which was a lot of fun. And we also continue our Transformers Movie Series with our review/discussion/Q&A on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Normally we finish off the show with Films We've Seen This Week, however due to time, that segment will be on this week's Bonus Content.


Thanks for listening and be sure to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher or Soundcloud! Also, please leave us a review!

Direct download: Episode_70.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 6:51pm EST

This week for our InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, we review the latest animated film from Dreamworks, How to Train Your Dragon 2, which is arguably the best animated sequel of all-time. In the 2nd half of the show, we are joined by D.J. from Simplistic Reviews who helps us review the newest film from Clark Gregg, Trust Me. This was one of the funnest shows we've had all year and one you don't want to miss!


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Direct download: Extra_Film_-_How_to_Train_Your_Dragon_2_Trust_Me.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 4:40pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, Matt Oakes from Silver Screen Riot joins us once again as we review 22 Jump Street starring Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill. Going off of that we discuss our Top 3 Buddy Cop Movies, which led to a lot of arguing as you'd expect from that genre. And with Transformers: Age of Extinction coming out soon, we started our Transformers Movie Series with our review of the first Transformers, which has garnered a lot of negative criticism over the years. All in all, this was a very fun show!


Thanks for listening and be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher and thanks for supporting our show!

Direct download: Episode_69.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 5:16pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, we have a fun news item at the top of the show as Brendan Cassidy joins me once again and we review the lovely new Shailene Woodley film, The Fault in Our Stars. The show is a little long for an Extra Film review but we go pretty heavily into the film and we do cover some spoilers as well. Don't worry, we fully let you know when that happens.


Please subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher and please leave us a review. Thanks for your support!

Direct download: Extra_Film_-_The_Fault_in_Our_Stars.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 12:27pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, Jacob from BCX Radio joins us to help us review Edge of Tomorrow starring Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt and Bill Paxton. Going off of that, we decided to discuss our Top Tom Cruise Performances, which was a bit challenging, given the fact that he's had some amazing work to choose from. Cruise may get a hard time from some people but he's been consistent and has a solid resume. And as usual we finish off the show with Movies We've Seen This Week which included a pretty terrible movie that you won't believe really exists. Or maybe you will.


Thanks for listening and be sure sure to subscribe to us on iTunes and Stitcher Radio!

Direct download: Episode_68.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 6:47pm EST

This week for our Insession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, Barry from the TruBromance Podcast joins us to help discuss the new Tom Hardy film, Locke, which is currently JD's #1 film of the year so far. And in the 2nd half the show, Brendan Cassidy and Drew Koenig joins us to review the new film Chef, starring Jon Favreau, Scarlett Johannson and a few others as well. Barry, Brendan and Drew were all great guests and this week's show was a ton of fun.


Subscribe to us on iTunes and Stitcher and thanks for listening!

Direct download: Extra_Film_-_Locke_Chef.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 6:02pm EST

This week for our Bonus Content, we discuss X-Men: Days of Future Past in some fun awesome spoiler territory as well as a little talk about Age of Apocalypse. Check it out!

Direct download: Episode_67_Bonus_Content.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 5:03pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, Justin and Nate from the Green Room Report join us to help discuss the latest film in the X-Men Universe, X-Men: Days of Future Past, starring Ian McKellen, Michael Fassbender, Patric Stewart, James McAvoy and many, many more. Going off of that, for our Top 3 this week, we decided to give our Top 3 Movies From Actors in Days of Future Past, which gave us a lot of great films to choose from. And as usual, we finish of the show discussing the films we've seen over the last week including some new first time watches for us.


Thanks for listening and be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher. Also, please leave us a review and thanks for supporting our podcast!

Direct download: Episode_67.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 4:40pm EST