InSession Film Podcast

This week on the InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, we have a fun announcement at the beginning of the show that we've been holding out on for a while now, but we're glad to finally announce it. We also discuss Cake, starring Jennifer Aniston and we review the 2015 Sundance Film Festival. 

- Cake Review (6:28)

- Sundance 2015 Review (28:17)

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Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 4:33pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, Paul and Bryan from the BlokeBusters Podcast join us to discuss American Sniper, the Bradley Cooper vehicle that's taken the movie world by storm lately. We also discuss our Top 5 Most Anticipated Films of 2015 and we finish off the show with a fun review of A Most Violent Year, starring Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac. 

- American Sniper Review (7:05)

- Top 5 Most Anticipated Films of 2015 (40:44)

- A Most Violent Year (1:15:55)

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Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 10:10pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, Adam from the Attaboy Clarence podcast joins us as we review the revered classic, Citizen Kane, directed by the amazing Orson Welles. This was a refreshing change from new indies and art films we've done lately and it was a lot of fun. 

- Citizen Kane Review (3:55)

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Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 5:36pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, we celebrate our 100th Episode with former co-hosts of the podcast, Nate Parsons, Matthew Mason and Scott Pollard! The show this week is much more relaxed and simple. We're not reviewing a film or discussing a Top 3, but rather just sitting around talking about movies with friends that we love. We're getting back to the roots of why we started the podcast to begin with, if you will. 

Thanks to everyone who has supported us this far and that has ever listened to the show. We wouldn't be here without and we can't thank you enough!

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Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 2:08pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, we cap off the 2014 film season for us with our reviews of Paul Thomas Anderson's, Inherent Vice as well as the latest biopic, Selma. 

- Inherent Vice Review (8:36)

- Selma Review (39:29)

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Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 5:17pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, we celebrated our 2nd Annual InSession Film Awards show and discussed our Top 10 Movies of 2014. On Part 1 of Episode 99, we handed out our InSession Film Awards of 2014, including Best Movie Trailer, Worst Movie and talked about some of the best performances of 2014 among many other categories. For Part 2, it all came down to our favorite films of the year as we discussed our Top 10 Movies of 2014. 

- InSession Film Awards (See Part 1)

- Top 10 Movies of 2014 (1:05)

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Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 2:47pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, we celebrate the 2nd annual InSession Film Awards as well as give away our Top 10 Movies of 2014. Due to the length of the show, we had to go Hollywood blockbuster on you and split up the show into two different part. The first part will be our InSession Film Awards section where we discuss our biggest surprise movie of 2014, the worst movies of the year, our favorite acting performances and so much more. And on Part 2, we discuss our Top 10 Movies of 2014, which was a lot of fun. 

- InSession Film Awards (4:42)

- Top 10 Movies of 2014 (See Part 2)

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Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 7:59pm EST

This week on our InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, we discuss Tim Burton's latest, Big Eyes, starring Christoph Waltz and Amy Adams and we also dive into Mark Wahlberg's latest film, The Gambler.

- Big Eyes Review (5:45)

- The Gambler Review (34:37)

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Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 3:02pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, DJ Valentine from Simplistic Reviews drops by to help us review Foxcatcher, starring Channing Tatum, Mark Ruffalo and Steve Carell. We also talk about the best shot films from 2014 as we ramp up to our InSession Film Awards show next week and for our discussion segment this week, we talk about how December 2014 didn't seem to live up to the hype.  

- Foxcatcher Review (5:58)

- Top 3 Best Shot Films of 2014 (39:42)

- In A Nutshell (1:06:22)

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Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 3:56pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, we discuss Angelina Jolie's latest directorial effort, Unbroken, starring Jack O'Connell and Domhnall Gleeson. We also ski through one of the best foreign language films of the year with the Swedish movie, Force Majeure.

- Unbroken Review (2:46)

- Force Majeure Review (28:07)

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Direct download: Extra_Film_-_Unbroken_Force_Majeure.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 2:55pm EST