InSession Film Podcast

This week on the InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, Josh Larsen from Filmspotting and joins us to discuss Listen Up Philip starring Jason Schwartzman, Elizabeth Moss and Jonathan Pryce. Also, in the second half of the show, Brendan and JD throwdown over Keanu Reeves' latest action flick, John Wick.

Thanks for listening and thanks for your support of the InSession Film Podcast!

Direct download: Extra_Film_-_Listen_Up_Philip_John_Wick.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 4:31pm EST

This week for the InSession Film Podcast, Arcturus from the MGCTv Podcast joins us as we review the latest film starring Daniel Radcliff, Horns. Going off of that, as well as Halloween, we discuss our Top 3 Monsters or Creatures in a horror film and we start a new discussion segment called Ranting and Raving. And there was certainly a lot this week that's worth ranting or raving about.

Thanks so much for your support and if you'd leave us a review on iTunes and Stitcher, we'd love you forever!

Direct download: Episode_88.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 4:08pm EST

This week on our InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, Brendan has the week off but DJ Valentine from the Simplistic Reviews podcast joins us to discuss the Swedish film, We Are the Best! We also have a really fun intro where we briefly discuss The Avengers 2 trailer and a mini review for The Best of Me. I know, I know, it'll make sense though when you hear it.

At any rate, thanks for listening and we'd love you forever if you'd be willing to leave us a review on iTunes. Thanks as always for your support!

Direct download: Extra_Film_-_We_Are_The_Best.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 12:22pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, we release a new intro to the show that we've been dying to show you all and we hope you love it! Also, Mike Messina and Barry from the True Bromance Podcast join us as we review Fury starring Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf among others. Going off of that we discuss our Top 3 War Movie Scenes in which JD starts some controversy and we start a new discussion segment called Class is InSession. 

Hope you guys enjoy this episode with our new intro music! We'd love your feedback too, please leave us a review on iTunes and Stitcher!

Direct download: Episode_87.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 5:40pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, Brendan joins us on remote once again as we review Kill the Messenger starring Jeremy Renner in a fantastic role. And Dan from Talking in Circles joins us in the 2nd half of the show to help us discuss The Trip to Italy, the funny comedy starring Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon. 

Thanks for listening everyone and thanks for your continuous support!

Direct download: Extra_Film_-_Kill_the_Messenger_Trip_to_Italy.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 12:41pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, all three IF co-hosts once again hold down the fort and we had a blast as we discussed Robert Downey Jr.'s latest in The Judge, also starring Robert Duvall and Vera Farmiga. Going off of that we also discuss our Top 3 Courtroom Films and we started a new segment called, What Are The Chances, which turned out some great conversation over some of the latest movie news.

Thanks for listening and thanks so much for your support! Please be sure to leave us a review on iTunes and Stitcher, we'd greatly appreciate it!

Direct download: Episode_86.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 9:07pm EST

This week for our InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, DJ Valentine from the Simplistic Reviews podcast joins us as we go back to 1867 in our review of The Homesman starring Tommy Lee Jones, Hillary Swank and the rest of Hollywood. We also get a little bare bones in our discussion of The Skeleton Twins, starring Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig, which is one of the best indies of the year so far.

Thanks for listening and please leave a review on iTunes!

Direct download: Extra_Film_-_The_Homesman_The_Skeleton_Twins.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 3:47pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast, Vern from the As You Watch Podcast joins us, as we dive head first into David Fincher with a review of his newest film Gone Girl, starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike, as well as a discussion of our Top 3 David Fincher Scenes. We also introduce a new segment called Over/Under, where we preview this month's films and guess how well they will be received. 

Thanks so much for listening and please leave us a review on iTunes and Stitcher, we'd greatly appreciate it!

Direct download: Episode_85.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 8:42pm EST

This week on the InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, Brendan is on remote in Nashville but we discuss two of the latest indie films in The One I Love and the Two Faces of January. Let's just say one film is much better than the other and we have some pretty great conversation about it.

Thanks for listening! 

Direct download: Extra_Film_-_The_One_I_Love_Two_Faces_of_Janurary.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 4:22pm EST