InSession Film Podcast

NOTE: We had some small technical issues with the recording, so you may hear a very small echo in the background, so we apologize for that. However, I promise you, this is one of the more epic shows we've ever had. And you may want to listen all the way to the end, as it's some of the most entertaining conversation we've ever had.

That being said, this week on the show, Fox and Jill from the GeekScholars Movie News podcast joins up front to help us review Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the latest in the amazing Marvel Movie Universe. Unfortunately, they had to leave after our main review, but the awesome D.J. Valentine joins us for the rest of the show as we discuss our Top 3 Marvel Movie Moments and we finish our Wes Anderson Movie Series with our review of Moonrise Kingdom. And per usual, we finish off the show with Movies We've Seen This Week, which is one of the most entertaining and crazy conversations we've had in this segment. Again, you won't be disappointed.


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Direct download: Episode_59.mp3
Category:movie podcast -- posted at: 8:05pm EST